Saturday, May 1, 2010

10 Reasons Why Being Fat Sucks

1. (and this is my all time number one)- Plus sized clothes are horrible. First, the selection is terrible. I feel like it's my punishment for being fat- less choice, less style, less fit. This is my number one motivator for losing weight.

2. Airplane seats (or movies, or anywhere where you don't want to touch someone else, you might because your fat self seeps over to the other side) The last time I was on a plane I kept my legs clenched so tightly and my arms crossed so I wouldn't offend the person on my other side.

3. Speaking of legs, I can't cross mine for more than a few moments. Gross. I mean the simple act of crossing legs, like thin people do. There is too much fat in the way.

4. "Chub Rub"- my affectionate nickname when my legs brush against each other when walking. Each season has a consequence: in summer my legs get red from the chub rub when wearing a skirt; winter brings a chorus of funny sounds when tights, corduroy, or jeans swish together.

5. Funny looks at the gym. You can be fat and still work out. Hell, that's why I am there: to improve myself. So next time that rude ass looks at me funny on the rowing machine, bugger off.

6. Amusements- I can't tell the last time I have been to a park, but I am sure my ass would not fit in a ride...I did hear recently that the "It's A Small World" ride in Disney World has recently been repaired due to the rising weight of the park visitors...YIKES.

7. Thin in-laws.... mine are awesome, but every time I get together with them I am reminded of my gargantuan size.

8. Assumptions...this is similar to #6, but many people assume that all fat people are lazy, incompetent, etc. I consider myself to be well-educated and determined in my career, I am a good cook, and keep a relatively clean house.

9. Role Models... where are they for people "of size?" There aren't any. Our society views fat as second rate... look at the entertainment industry- they couldn't even feature a gorgeous Lane Bryant model who is probably no more than a size 14-16 and looks smokin' hot in her underwear in a commercial on a 9 o'clock tv show because the model had "too much cleavage." Give me a break! The shows were Dancing With the Stars (a favorite) and Desperate Housewives (another favorite). Both shows frequently show half naked thin women-- what kind of message does this send? A messed up one.

10. All the terms used for fat: chubby, heavy, big-boned, weight problem, plump, heavy-set, puffy, flabby, thick, voluptuous (which really just means fat with (bonus!) boobs and ass)..the list goes on and on. One of my (male) black friends said he liked "thick girls because they are all like fried chicken, juicy legs and thighs." I will never forget that disgusting image- What did they think of skinny girls?

Some of these are mostly in my head, I know, but there are a few physical too. The lesson for me is: keep moving and eating right to melt away that fat ass!

Oh, here's the Lane Bryant commercial-

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